5 Reasons Every Small Business Should Consider a Chatbot

Starting a small business can be both exciting and overwhelming. Even if you go with a franchise, there are still many decisions to make. There are lots of things to learn and aspects to consider when starting your own company.

Chatbots are quickly becoming the latest communication tool in the business world. From customer service to sales, chatbots can perform any number of tasks with minimal human interaction.

While there are plenty of benefits to using a chatbot for your business, here are five compelling reasons why every small business should consider a chatbot:

1. Chatbots can Efficiently Respond to Inquiries

Chatbots have the capacity to answer a wide variety of questions, and do so in a completely automated way. This means that they can handle an infinite number of inquiries. Chatbots can provide a 24/7 customer service solution for your business.   Customers might not always be available at the same time as you, but they will always be able to contact you through your bot. Your customers can also access common information, such as order status and shipping information, without having to wait for anyone to respond.

2. Cost Effective

Chatbots are much more cost-effective than an actual human representative. They can respond to requests 24/7. They do not need a salary, benefits or paid time off. They do not get sick, distracted or tired. They can manage multiple conversations at once, which allows you to have more customers served at the same time without hiring more people. Their pay is their performance, with incentives for great customer service. Considering the high cost of employing people, chatbots are an excellent solution for this problem because they can handle simple questions without any human intervention at all.

3. Improve Customer Satisfaction

Chatbots are there to make your customers’ lives easier by providing information quickly and easily. Customers don’t want to spend time reading through manuals, searching for the right page or getting frustrated because they can’t talk to a real person. Chatbots can provide this information instantly.

4. Chatbots increase your sales.

Because of their ability to understand user intent, chatbots can act as virtual assistants for your business. A good chatbot will be able to handle back-and-forth conversations with customers to help them complete their purchase. By reducing friction in the buying process through easy access to information and instant answers to questions, chatbots also improve conversion rates by making it easier for people to buy from you.

5. Chatbots are more convenient than humans.

People are busy. They don’t want to talk to anyone on the phone who can help them with their problems or answer their questions; they just want to get the information they need and move on. Chatbots allow them to get this information quickly and easily without having to wait on hold or speak with multiple representatives.

Chatbots are all the rage right nowadays, and for good reason. A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, primarily over the internet. And although they’re not new—chatbots have been used in customer service roles for years—robots are becoming increasingly sophisticated, resulting in many believing that chatbots will soon become more common in the business world. 

You can now create your own chatbot easily with the help of numerous chatbot platforms such as Manychat that has pre-made templates that you can use to build your flows.

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